home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- This is the class definition file for the DHLApp subclass of DApplication.
- This class is needed to creat the correct DDocument subclass and handle
- the menu options
- Mark Gross 10/10/92
- */
- #include "DHLApp.h"
- #include "DHLDoc.h"
- DHLApp::DHLApp(void)
- {
- // stubb
- }
- DHLApp::~DHLApp(void)
- {
- // stubb
- }
- DDocument* DHLApp::MakeDDoc(Boolean OpenFromFile)
- {
- DHLDoc *New;
- New = new DHLDoc;
- // if OpenFromFile == FALSE then it will
- // not read from any file
- if(New->Init(OpenFromFile))
- {
- if ( fTarget = New->MakeWindow(HasColorQD()) )
- ((DWindow *) fTarget)->SetWindowTitle();// everything went ok, so set the title
- // I'm having the App tell
- // the doc to make the window because I don't
- // like haveing one init function do too much stuff.
- // Its a reliability thing.
- else
- fTarget = New; // window not created
- }
- else
- {
- fTarget = this;
- SelectWindow( FrontWindow());
- }
- return New;
- }// end of MakeDDoc member function
- void DHLApp::HandleMenuChoice(short menuID, short menuItem)
- {
- /*
- PUT IN MY TEST methods when I get them implemented!!!!!!
- if(menuID == rPenMenu)
- {
- switch(menuItem)
- {
- case i???:
- DoTesti???();
- break;
- case i????:
- DoTesti????();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }//end switch menuitem
- }// end if rPenMenu
- */
- inherited::HandleMenuChoice(menuID, menuItem);
- }// end of HandleMenuChoice member fuction
- void DHLApp::SetUpMenues(void)
- {
- MenuHandle menu;
- /*
- menu = GetMHandle(rPenMenu);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, i1X1, TRUE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iWhite, TRUE);
- CheckItem(menu,i1X1, ((DScribbleWind *)fDWindow)->fPenSize == 1);
- CheckItem(menu, iWhite, ((DScribbleWind *)fDWindow)->fPenPat == patWhite);
- */
- inherited::SetUpMenues();
- }// end of SetUpMenues function
- void DHLApp::ClearMenus(void)
- {
- MenuHandle menu;
- int menuItem;
- /*
- menu = GetMHandle(rCommMenu);
- for (menuItem=1; menuItem<=CountMItems(menu); menuItem++)
- {
- EnableMenuItem( menu, menuItem, FALSE);
- }
- */
- inherited::ClearMenus();
- }// end of clear menus member function...